Thursday, January 03, 2008

small p-sub versus submarine yacht

Having space and/or time to work on getting safely back to the surface is a very nice to have in a given PSUB. Having space to be able to put on a wet or dry suit as well as perhaps SCUBA gear can save ones life at times. Even having one or more Spare Air type SCUBA bottles can be useful in small subs. Also having a sub designed to have enough generally none compressible buoyancy, like syntactic foam or some really good HBT's that make a sub positively buoyant even when all the SBT's and the main pressure hull is full of water and one or more drop weights it dropped. Can make it easy to surface without having to leave the sub, unless entangled in such a way that it's your best option for survival, or some other unforeseen issue. But generally with such a design, if the leak is bad enough to justify it, all you need to do is release one or more drop weights and your out of trouble quickly.
Brent Hartwig

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